Richard, the framer, called Scott today and said that we'd be very surprised and pleased today...he didn't tell Scott exactly what they accomplished, so we were very curious to see how much they got done...
Yea! Looks much simpler than before! We're aiming for a simpler, farmhouse look...All 3 peaks on the right are now removed and the front porch roof is almost done! Praise the Lord for dry weather! And two new windows (upstairs) have been installed! |
Now, that's a bracket! This porch isn't going anywhere! |
Future school room - what a mess! New windows ready and waiting... |
The framers have removed nearly all of the old siding...They need to frame out the kitchen table area, then remove the old windows and install the new ones, then comes white siding...The kids asked when are we "opening" the pool...our answer, "How about 2013?" ... Didn't go over too well...
So encouraged when I read these verses this morning...powerful reminder that nothing takes His rightful place and He is the greatest Counselor!
"I said to the LORD, 'You are my Lord; apart from You I have no good thing.'...The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods....I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." ~ Psalm 16:2, 4, 7-8
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