Monday, April 11, 2011

More progress - foundations, laundry room, 2nd story overhang...

Front porch foundations ready for inspection...second floor overhang is being shortened...and the peaks will be removed...a third window will be added upstairs...

Front porch footers covered due to forecasted rain
grateful the Japanese maple can stay - it's just outside the new front porch...

The foundation guy pulled out the shrubs -
several compactas and two large hollies...

New laundry/mud room framing was started today...the washer and dryer used to be in the we will have a laundry room inside, a large pantry, and a place for the kids to hang up jackets and take off shoes...

Breakfast area bump out is ready for inspection...covered to protect against rain...

Connor worked hard to remove the small wooden pieces with the carpet nails...

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