Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Front porch, kitchen table bump out, "Little Green"...

Foundation guys bricked in and finished the kitchen table bump out...

Siding is gone here too...

The kiddos and the front porch...

What a mess!  Thankful for Big Red...

Ashley's doing a great job helping with the grass (weeds) cutting...this little riding lawn mower is exceeding our expectations!  Who needs a big tractor??!!  Well...maybe I shouldn't go that far, but "Little Green" is managing quite well right now...We're probably the only ones out here who are trying to manage this "yard" with a little riding mower!  ;-) 

Yea!  Windows (Marvin) have arrived!  Decided to go with a simple grid style...

Front porch...Pretty big...it's going to be great!

Ahhh...all nice and cut...cut very short!  

Front porch roof...

One piece shower for the master bath...we'll have to cut out part of the wall to get it into the bathroom, but we wanted a one piece.  We'll have to get sectionals for upstairs - couldn't figure out how to reasonably install one pieces there...

Scott informed me (after the fact) that he saw and promptly killed a 4 ft. black snake right near here two days ago.  Yikes!  One down...how many more to go??  I really do not like snakes!! 
Scott met with a hardwood floor guy that he likes and who came highly recommended (we can't find the guy who installed/finished the floors at the other house - he did such a great job!).  We plan to use the same drywall people who fixed our last house after the hurricane (and tornado!)...we have a rough design of the kitchen cabinets...roofer should be out soon...need to demo the bathrooms still...We had terrible storms on Saturday and tons of rain which flooded the basement (since the front is opened up).  Scott was sucking up water with a wet/dry vac until 1:30 am on Sunday (well, Monday morning)...ugh...50 gallons!  He then got a big fan going too - much drier now.  Lord, we could really use some nice dry weather for a bit (boy, that's selfish, isn't it??!!)...at least until we get the front under cover again...The weather people were calling for thunderstorms this afteroon - fortunately, it was just cloudy...no rain...Thank you, God...

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