Carry Your Name
(Chris Tomlin, Nathan & Christy Nockels, Jason Ingram)
How merciful the cross
How powerful the blood
How beautiful Your arms
Open for us
Open for us
No greater love
God's only Son
Jesus, Jesus
How powerful the blood
How beautiful Your arms
Open for us
Open for us
No greater love
God's only Son
Jesus, Jesus
No other name
Mighty to save
Jesus, Jesus
By Your wounds we are healed
And You have conquered the grave
And in Your rising, we will rise
To carry Your name
Above every name
I will carry Your name
Carry Your name
Jesus, Your name forever
For all of my days
Mighty to save
Jesus, Jesus
By Your wounds we are healed
And You have conquered the grave
And in Your rising, we will rise
To carry Your name
Above every name
I will carry Your name
Carry Your name
Jesus, Your name forever
For all of my days
In all of my ways
Jesus, Your name forever
So overwhelmed and convicted...
Scott placed our window order today and it's hitting home that these are big decisions and we're about to spend lots of money (again). Doors will probably be tomorrow along with the materials for the framer and roofer. Scott met with a framer today who is ready to go - now! Wow - we've struggled so long with this house and even still, and now we have several contractors ready to roll - tomorrow! Now it seems so fast! Yikes! Do we have it all right?? We built our last house 11 years ago and we think it's much harder to renovate an existing house than build new!
Scott went back out there tonight after putting the kids to bed to do some more work. Before that, we measured certain pieces of furniture again just to be sure the windows and doors, etc are the right sizes... struggling again with where to put our growing book collection, our existing furniture, and how small the family room is...Inquiring of the Lord again (Joshua 9:14) we have the very best design we can get with this footprint? David has done a great job, but we still struggle with a few issues - especially the small family room. Then I needed to get on the NordikTrak to clear my mind and the Lord reminded me again of what's lasting, what's truly important!
This house and my life on this earth are so temporary - fleeting like a shadow. I don't want to waste a day that He has given me to bring glory to His Name alone (Isaiah 26:8). I don't want to be controlled by material things or anything of this world - these things that do not last, but rather I want to be controlled by His Spirit and walking in the purpose that He has for me. Whew - so moved by the Spirit this evening in getting my priorities realigned with His. I will carry Your name...for all of my all of my ways...Jesus, Your name forever...Focusing on things that last...
Inquiring of You, God, for every decision, then moving on...
Scott went back out there tonight after putting the kids to bed to do some more work. Before that, we measured certain pieces of furniture again just to be sure the windows and doors, etc are the right sizes... struggling again with where to put our growing book collection, our existing furniture, and how small the family room is...Inquiring of the Lord again (Joshua 9:14) we have the very best design we can get with this footprint? David has done a great job, but we still struggle with a few issues - especially the small family room. Then I needed to get on the NordikTrak to clear my mind and the Lord reminded me again of what's lasting, what's truly important!
This house and my life on this earth are so temporary - fleeting like a shadow. I don't want to waste a day that He has given me to bring glory to His Name alone (Isaiah 26:8). I don't want to be controlled by material things or anything of this world - these things that do not last, but rather I want to be controlled by His Spirit and walking in the purpose that He has for me. Whew - so moved by the Spirit this evening in getting my priorities realigned with His. I will carry Your name...for all of my all of my ways...Jesus, Your name forever...Focusing on things that last...
Inquiring of You, God, for every decision, then moving on...
"Each man's life is but a breath...But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in You." ~ Psalm 39:5, 7
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