Monday, March 7, 2011

February 26, 2011 -

Where is the septic tank????  Yea - Daddy found it! 
But....I think this is where the new front porch is supposed to go....hmmmmm........
This floor removal is taking forever!
Tearing down the wall between the old kitchen and old dining room.
Working on removing the wall between the breakfast area and family room.
Taking down the wood paneling....
Scott has become an electrician!  Removing the old baseboard heaters.
"Big Red" loaded down AGAIN!
The kiddos standing where our new kitchen will be - one day!
.....Still catching up on old posts...sorry!

Knocking down the wall between the breakfast and family/living room...starting to see the place opened up.  Rooms are still smaller than we like but we think it is the best we can do with the footprint we have been given.  I am beginning to understand why the rooms are the size they are - lumber sizes back in the day were just plain shorter - see photo for lumber in ceiling in wall between kitchen and family/living room...aren't they supposed to overlap a little!!??  Nice gap huh?

Baseboard heaters going one by one - oh yeah - first appointment with a framer came and went and no framer showed up!  I'm sure the first of many!

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