Sunday, July 29, 2012

Klams team photo - our 8th year of swim team 
(1 year was with Stonehouse while we renovated the farm)


Hannah (Ashley & Sarah in the left background)

Daniel and Mary Kate

Ashley getting ready

Ashley...Even though she qualified for breast stroke at the Champs Meet next week-end (we're pround of you!), this is our last swim practice.  Mommy is done with swim team and ready to have this baby.  Praise God that the baby's head is down and he's in good position.  We had an ultrasound at 38 weeks (this past Friday) and I'm measuring 43 cm (instead of 38) and they estimate Caleb's weight is about 8 lbs 9 ozs.  (+/- 1 lb) Yikes.  Let's hope he's really 7 lbs 9 ozs and ready to be born soon!

"Let me out!  Let me out!  Now!"

"Go, Go, Go!"

We started adding Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar to the birds' water today (1 Tbsp to 1 gal water) -- not only is it healthy for them (and us!), but it should help with algae control of the waterers during this hot weather.

The guineas love greens!

This Buff insists on laying her eggs on the floor near the nesting boxes.

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