Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gardening notes...

Our lettuce, radishes, and carrots didn't really come up in the big garden,
so the kids planted seeds in these planters and they are doing GREAT!

Sweet potatoes

Our nine watermelon plants are growing like crazy (3 hills of 3 plants each). 
The cantaloupe (top of the pic) are starting to take off...

Cute little baby watermelons!
We planted three different kinds of watermelons --
here's another kind -- it's a little more round...
Potatoes were beaten down in the last thunderstorm...
The kids have been picking off potato beetles...
Zucchini and a few eggplants...We've been picking off lots of squash bugs...

The tomato cages that we built are doing really well...
these are my favorite way to control the tomatoes so far...

This bed is mostly herbs - the basil is thriving...
Rabbit guard fencing inside the bigger fence!  Rabbits are amazing
how they can squeeze through small places!  Yummy green beans...
We planted two kinds of heirloom corn...the kind in the front is very short with lots of cobs, but the cobs don't look very full.  The second type of corn is much taller (back of pic)...We need to support the corn next year with twine and stakes about 24 inches from the ground or so...

Cucumbers and radishes (going to seed!)...
Our first cucumber!  Almost ready to pick!
Zucchini that we'll pick soon...
Eggplant...first time growing it...

We didn't have enough of the tomato cage wire to make enough cages, so we tried to support the remaining tomatoes with stakes.  Quite a few of them fell over in the last year, we'll make more cages!  I think I also need to space the tomatoes a little further apart.  I'm so glad we made the pathways 24 inches wide (between rows) and the main walkways are even wider.

Butterfly bush

Ashley gets so frustrated that the Japanese beetles love her hibiscus!
We planted about 70 pumpkin and gourd seeds this week -- 2 rows in the plastic -- about 20 different varieties of heirlooms...We put a soaker hose under the plastic for each row (like Mr. Jasen) and amended with our manure/mushroom compost/peat moss blend.  I would like to plant earlier next year -- at least 2 weeks earlier.  They take about 100 days until maturity, so that puts us at October 15 or so this year which is later than I'd like.  The kids would love to have a pumpkin/gourd stand in the fall and veggies in the summer...I'm so thankful that Scott put down the plastic several weeks ago because the weeds underneath actually look dead.

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