Monday, June 13, 2011

Drywall being delivered and unloaded into each room...Insulation inspection
passed today...expecting the drywall guys to be workin' hard tomorrow...
Scott did not have time to do this, but so thankful that he made tomato cages this afternoon...the plants are getting out of control!  In the years I've been gardening (small gardens), I haven't found an easy and tidy way to manage the tomato plants.  We've tried store-bought cages - too short, trellis netting, and staking...this year we are trying homemade cages (approx. 18" diam.) using concrete mesh (Homesteading for Beginners DVD).  I don't like how it's rusty (tetanus?!?), but couldn't find galvanized in this size locally.
You know you're a redneck if...
you have a bathroom sink - or two - in your front yard...

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