Sunday, November 13, 2011

Help from Ed and his big orange machine...

Scott, Ed, and I were all in the Civil Engineering program at Virginia Tech and graduated together.  Scott occasionally sees Ed at professional functions, but I haven't seen him since maybe graduation?  (1993!)  It was so generous of him to bring his daughter, and his big orange tractor to help us out around the property.

We had let this field go over the summer and it was quite difficult to cut with
our little riding lawn mower now in the fall.  It was a breeze with Ed's Kubota.
I think Scott is becoming convinced that a machine
like this would be very helpful to have around.

I even got a turn!

Ed easily lifted big piles of branches and debris which he moved to our bonfire pile. 
He even pulled the big pine tree rootball over that had fallen earlier on the powerline.
Bonfire with friends....perfect day....

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