Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...

This is the only Christmas decorating that we've done.  I wanted a pair of these entryway trees and got them 50% off on "Black Friday"... Yea!  I didn't have to wait until the day after Christmas to get them on sale.

Dino started getting hay about a week ago.  He LOVES it!

I'm trying to over-winter these huge ferns.  We placed them in one of the
stalls to protect them from the weather.  We'll see if it's warm enough.

We still have a lot of clean up to do on the property. 
Scott just cut down this enormous shrub.  Future bonfire material...
Painting the kids' bi-fold closet doors white.  It was a beautiful day outside...


"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.  Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.  And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."  --- Colossians 3:15-17


We have so much to be thankful for - the freedom we have in Christ, grace, the freedom we still enjoy in this nation, four healthy children, the freedom to home educate, this property, all that God is teaching us, trips and travels, family and friends...Thank you, Jesus, for all of these gifts.  We visited Dawn's sister, Shannon, on Thanksgiving Day in Annapolis and had a wonderful meal.  Then we travelled over to Warrenton and visited with Scott's aunt, uncle, and other family members.  It was a very long, but great day.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Farm Days...

This is what happens when you do not harvest your sweet potatoes in a timely manner...Introducing Heisman Trophy winner ... end up with football-sized sweet potatoes!  We're making a mental note...

Black is movin' in a little he's enjoying our messy garage...
Handprints...Daniel thought this was a lot of fun!

On our way to Avery Branch Farms on Saturday, we stopped by the Kubota place in Richmond.

We're getting closer to making the big purchase.  Daniel picked out this one.
One of the older kids fixed Daniel this bowl of oatmeal.  I don't think he had even taken a bite yet, and he asked me, "Mommy, can I have a bowl of Cheerios after this?"  A few minutes later, he asked, "What are we having for lunch?"

I think we might go broke feeding this guy!

Farm visit to Avery Branch southwest of Richmond...

Dairy and meat cows

We watched "Farmageddon" up here in the barn's hay loft. 
Now that's a very scary movie.
Connor loved the big tire swing.

Love the lanterns...

Daniel's project at our last CC for the fall semester...Happy Thanksgiving!


"This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  ~ Ps. 118:24

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Help from Ed and his big orange machine...

Scott, Ed, and I were all in the Civil Engineering program at Virginia Tech and graduated together.  Scott occasionally sees Ed at professional functions, but I haven't seen him since maybe graduation?  (1993!)  It was so generous of him to bring his daughter, and his big orange tractor to help us out around the property.

We had let this field go over the summer and it was quite difficult to cut with
our little riding lawn mower now in the fall.  It was a breeze with Ed's Kubota.
I think Scott is becoming convinced that a machine
like this would be very helpful to have around.

I even got a turn!

Ed easily lifted big piles of branches and debris which he moved to our bonfire pile. 
He even pulled the big pine tree rootball over that had fallen earlier on the powerline.
Bonfire with friends....perfect day....

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy 40th Birthday, Scott....and a visit to Monticello....

This cute little guy has appeared at our back collar...

Daniel's project at CC

Foggy morning...looking out of our front door...
Back view (most famous).  We are so thankful that we have the privilege of visiting
Mr. Jefferson's famous home while studying about his life and times.  Virginia has such a rich history.
Fish pond.  President Jefferson was a BRILLIANT man.  I love his passion for learning.
Another view of the garden and pavilion (and tiller ;-0).

Happy 40th Birthday, Scott!  We bought Daddy bonfire supplies.
The beautiful vegetable and herb garden of Mr. Thomas Jefferson.
CC field trip...Front (entrance) view of Monticello
Side view of this magnificent home after our tour.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Every nation, every tongue...

"Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."  ~ Philippians 2:9-11

So powerful...we prayed with many others as Passion toured the world sharing the Gospel to the nations a few years ago.  We had the privilege of standing in the Olympic Park gymnasium #1 in Seoul, South Korea just 9 days before Passion arrived (it was the day we "got" Daniel - September 22, 2008) and prayed for the Spirit to move powerfully in that place. 

I was so moved and wept for joy as I heard this "world version" of "How Great Is Our God" earlier today -- every tongue and every nation will declare the greatness of God.  Here are some already proclaiming it....

I am so small compared to such a majestic and powerful God who spoke the world into existence.  Yet, He knows my name and yours, He knows even the number of hairs on our heads, He knows our thoughts, and, yes, ...He knows our sins....yet He loves us and Jesus willingly paid the price for our sins.  The cross satisfied the Father's wrath.  He has a plan for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11).  Praise the Lord!  How Great is our God!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We've been wanting to have a bonfire for a while with my parents...
Sunday was the day.

Burgess and Dino hangin' out.

Dinner -- baked potatoes and hot dogs.

We then enjoyed marshmallows over the fire.  The kids loved it!