Thursday, August 25, 2011

Catching up on photos....

Dawn painting the garage access door black to match...

Our last dinner in the garage...
The move!  We are so grateful for all the help! 

Dawn's sister, Shannon, made a run to Walmart to buy drinks. 
We weren't thinking and had already moved all the drinks over to the other house....
Shannon with the drink bar...
Installing a microwave is a hard job!  This took HOURS...

Bye, bye rental...So thankful to have lived in such a nice
house and neighborhood for the past 13 months.
This group of 2 does and 3 baby deer are so cute. 
They love to eat the figs!  We see them every day!

Yum - tomato (from our garden), basil (also from our garden), and fresh mozzarella...

We did a dog swap with Dawn's sister.  Tilly was out of control and hyper.  We couldn't let her run loose out here and were also concerned about her getting into a scuffle with the groundhogs and raccoons that also live here.  Tilly gets along great with my sister's dogs, but she was having trouble with Turk and Burgess getting has Tilly and we have Burgess.
Yea!  One completed project!  500+ more to go!
Don't think so...It's a little hard to see (his head is near the middle of the photo), but there is an enormous black snake looking in our window.  It was awful!  He was huge!!!  So thankful for the neighbors next door who came over in their gator with an arsenal of weapons and took care of this guy.  We are hoping this is the same one I saw under the front porch a week earlier and that we've seen under the back deck.  Snakes that are close to the house gotta go.

Yummy watermelon from our garden!  Beautiful!

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