Sunday, September 30, 2012

Welcome to the jungle...

Our jungle...I mean, garden...Things got out of control this year!
What a MESS!  We'll try to do better next year!

The chickens are finding some good stuff to eat though...

We forgot where exactly we planted the decided to bring out the big equipment - first to cut the weeds, then the bucket (front-end loader) to dig for them.  We actually found quite a few potatoes!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Soccer and Montpelier...

Daniel's first year playing soccer.  This is his first organized sport.

Hannah and Daniel

Our first time to President James Madison's home, Montpelier, in Orange, VA.
Fourth President of the United States (1809-1817)
"The advice nearest to my heart and deepest in my convictions is that the Union of the States be cherished and perpetuated."  -- James Madison, 1834

Outside the visitor's center

"The happy union of these States is a wonder: their Constitution a miracle:
their example the hope of Liberty throughout the World."  -- James Madison, 1829

Caleb's longest car trip so far - about 4 hours round trip...
He's doing great!  7 weeks old...

Back of Montpelier

The temple

I LOVE this tractor and hay wagon!  I want a hay wagon just like this one!

Celebrating Constitution Day

Montpelier:  Home of the Father of the Constitution

Ashley...the "Chicken Girl"...The chickens and guineas love her!
She is always taking them compost from our kitchen and they love it!

Our six guineas.  We let them loose about 2 weeks ago and they are doing really well staying on our property so far.  In fact, we think that they think they are chickens!  They stay with the chickens and are scratching just like the chickens do - much to my disappointment.  Guineas are not supposed to scratch, making them suitable for insect control in gardens.  However, these guys are acting just like chickens!

Daddy, Caleb, and Burgess - a rare sight around here...(Daddy taking a nap)...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Two years ago...

Two years ago, on September 17, 2010, we closed on this property that would become Liberty Farm and our new home.  It has been quite the adventure and we are amazed at how far God has brought us!  We are so thankful for all of our blessings -- our family, our health, our freedoms, our God.  We still have lots of ideas on the potential we have here to try new things and we're seeking the Lord for His wisdom and guidance.  We pray that we bring Him glory in all that we do.

p.s.  Talking about freedom....we hesitantly opened wide the door of the guineas' partition in the coop this past Sunday.  We've been trying to "train" these wild, obnoxiously loud, and skittish birds, and are concerned about them flying away and never seeing them again, or that they will travel over to our neighbors' house and she will not be too happy.  Fortunately, all six of the guineas are staying together with the chickens and have not left our property.  We're hoping that will continue.  They also come back to the coop with the chickens when it starts to get dark.  Ashley in particular has done a fantastic job working with all of the birds -- they love her and come running when she calls them.  It is entertaining to watch!

p.s.s. Update on the calves...Justice is quite naughty.  She still will not let us pet her nor will she eat any of the grain treats we try to give her.  She also head butts her water bucket, knocking it over when the water level is low enough.  Patriot, on the other hand, comes running to us when he sees the bucket and lets us pet his back for a bit.  He is much friendlier.  They both have quieted down considerably.  When they first arrived, they were quite the noisy pair!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Patriot and Justice

Justice, our heifer calf

Patriot, our bull calf

Daniel's first presentation at CC

Connor and Jed

Gammy, Poppy, and the kiddos

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Dexter calves!

This cat appeared at our door and has been hanging around the past few days.

Everyone is so excited!  Daddy's home with the cattle!  Scott and Rob, one of Scott's co-workers, drove to western Virginia today to two farms to pick-up a heifer and bull  Dexter calves.  Praise God that everything went so smoothly.  We are so thankful.

Trying to coax the dun (brown color) bull, Patriot, out of the horse trailer.
We are very thankful for Chuck and Donna letting us borrow their trailer!

The heifer, Justice, taking a peak.  She's a black Dexter.

Caleb is one month old!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day week-end and birthday celebrations...

Stay away, bugs!

Happy 13th Birthday, Ashley!

Hannah and Aunt Shannie

Ashley and Connor

Hannah and Daniel

Who is that?!?  It's Daddy!

What is going on while Mommy is not on the boat?  She's at Gammy and Poppy's house with Caleb...

Aunt Shannie and Caleb

Hannah picked out Olive Garden for her birthday lunch;
Ashley had picked out Outback a few days ago.

Happy 11th Birthday, Hannah!