Saturday, June 30, 2012

Guineas...and a skunk...

Since ticks have been so numerous this spring, we decided to buy six guinea keets (babies).  Apparently, they love bugs, especially ticks.  They are more challenging to tame than chickens, but we've been reading a book that has tips on raising them and are trying to handle them each day.  

Here's the fawn again near the pool...We've actually seen two that look like twins.

Starting to fill the pool using the house well.  It's slow and we don't
want to overdo it, but we're hoping to get it filled by July 4th.

UGH!!!  I have no idea why Scott is smiling.  We were making great progress and decided to also use the barn's well to speed up the pool filling.  Well, it got pretty muddy after a few hours (it must be a shallow well).  Major setback - we have to drain the pool again (we were about 1/3 full) and now we have this ring of dirt.  It would be nice to have the pressure washer, but my parents are using it at the river...So we drained it again, vacuumed what we could, and started filling again.  The kids really want to swim in their own pool for July 4th.

Incredible.  Connor and I were in the school room this evening straightening up when I noticed that the chickens were running around like crazy in their pen.  I thought I saw a slinking black animal scoot across the driveway towards them and I ran out there (well, I don't run these days - fast walking) to see what was going on.  Connor must've told Scott because he came running from the pool area with a shovel.  The skunk had waddled past the chickens and they are so curious - they crowded to the edge of their fence to check out the unusual animal.  Scott managed to get this photo of the skunk in the neighbor's horse pasture.  Tonight was the third time that we've seen this guy.  I wish we could've gotten a picture of the chickens and the skunk checking each other out!  I think skunks are fond of chicken eggs, so we'll need to be careful....You never know what's going to happen out here!

June Updates...

It's hard to see the rainbow now...This was a beautiful, double, full rainbow...
Reminds me of God's covenant with Noah in the Book of Genesis...

"And God said, 'This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:  I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.'"   --- Genesis 9:12-13

Ashley's first time at the HEAV convention (Home Educators Association of Virginia). Speaking of Noah, Scott and she had just attended a seminar about the flood and the ark...
Scott had started to drain the pool right before I had to go to the hospital and had shown the three older children how to pressure wash it.  While we were at MCV, my parents helped them clean the pool and the deck (both are about 40 years old).  Then my parents stained/sealed about half the deck.  Wow - what an improvement!  It looks better than we thought it could!  Grateful for all their help!

Adorable and playful fawn with his mom right near our pool.  We look at these creatures a little differently now after my tick infection.  How many ticks do these guys drop all over the property?  
Gammy got Connor and the other children addicted to fried
eggs while Scott and I were at MCV.  Connor has quite the system!  

He's a big helper!

Connor's last baseball game -- Championships...And they won!
I'm so glad that I was out of the hospital and able to attend this one!

Trophies (Connor - front row and left; Scott - upper right)

Daddy and Connor putting up more tomato cages.  
Trying galvanized goat fencing this time...

The kids found this skink nest near the pool area.  Who knew?

Happy Father's Day!  What a great Dad!  We are very blessed!

Painting the front porch rocking chairs....Hannah & Connor helping....

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pool progress...

Ashley, Hannah, and Connor working hard to clean up the swamp....I mean, "pool"....
Daniel is supervising....

Connor's turn....They actually think this is fun....
Scott giving direction...

Now the pressure washing....
They are doing a GREAT job!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Turtles and the pool....

Release Day for Alice and Boxer...into the woods behind our house...

Snapping turtle?  In the road near our house...

Yea!  I'm home!  So thankful to be out of the hospital and feeling better!  The kids made signs and cards -- precious!  All praise to the Lord for His healing!  We are so thankful...Praying for Caleb's protection...and for the IV fluids to go away!  I'm so swollen!

Scott getting ready to set up a siphon to empty the pool...Let's see what we have here...
Scott pressure washing the steps -- ahhhh -- white!
Pull off the cover!  Poppy taking a turn with the pressure washer.  The cover is falling apart...
The siphon is working really well.  The water level has already come down a few feet...

Our chickens are three months old and....I think we have a ROOSTER!

Roosts are built...It actually took them a few days - and some coaxing by Ashley - for the chickens to use the roosts!  They really get set in their ways!

Yea!  Mr. Gold finished the front porch and hung up our white closet doors upstairs!
Happy Mother's Day!  (I guess Daniel is still sleeping...)  I am so blessed.
Piano recital --- Connor
Ashley's turn during the recital...
Ms. Rachel's piano students...Ashley, Hannah, and Connor on the right.


Wow.  Where do I start to describe the events of the past 10 days?  I'll start with praising the Lord Jesus Christ that I am at home from five days in the hospital and getting stronger from the worst illness of my life.   Thank you, Lord, for your protection, healing, and goodness.

We always try to be careful about checking for ticks and they are very numerous this year.  We are often outside and I've pulled off three critters from myself.  I don't think we ever leave any on longer than several hours.  Well, last Tuesday night I started to feel poorly.  In fact, I can now look and see that I was having difficulty breathing before that and I just attributed it to pregnancy.  I went to the OB/GYN for my regular 28 week visit and my pulse was 118.  I asked if he was concerned and he said no.  Walking up the stairs had recently required all my energy.  I now know this was the beginning of the tick bite symptoms.  On Wednesday, May 23, I started with a low-grade fever and called the OB/GYN.  I thought I had the flu.  He said just to drink lots of fluids and monitor the fever.  Call back if it went up to 103 deg.  By Friday, I was exhausted, with roller-coaster fevers ranging from 97.5 to 102.9 degrees.  I would shake uncontrollably, then sweat profusely.  I ached all over including my knee-caps.  I was so miserable and had terrible headaches.  I would take one Tylenol about every 5-7 hours just to "take off the edge".  We try to avoid all pharmaceuticals, especially during pregnancy.  I called the OB/GYN and the doctor said to go see my general practitioner.  Dr. MacBeath took me right away and said he thought I had a tick-borne illness.  I had no bumps, no rashes - it just seemed like the flu.  He sent me to Sentara to have a bunch of blood work taken.  I was having more difficulty breathing, my pulse was high, I couldn't sleep, my fevers continued. 

Scott called Dr. MacBeath back on Saturday to see if any preliminary blood test results were back.  When the doctor heard that I was getting worse, he said to stop the Tylenol and go to the ER.  I couldn't believe it.  He said that tick-borne infections are complicated and the ER could take the necessary blood work and get results back much quicker.  My mom, sister, and Chris came from the River that evening to watch the kids (we were all supposed to be hanging out on the boat at the River and eating steamed crabs for Memorial Day).  Off Scott and I went to get more blood work started.  I was very nervous and the first thing I heard on the radio when Scott turned on the car was Chris Tomlin's voice (my absolute favorite worship leader) and the first words to his song "Let Faith Arise"......"Be still.  There is a Healer."  I still get emotional as I think about that - that the God of the Universe chose to give me a personal word of hope and encouragement in such darkness and uncertainty.  He alone knew what my next few days would be like and He was telling me that it was going to be OK.  He is the Healer.

The ER doc was great and consulted with an Infectious Disease doctor in Norfolk.  They announced that I was very sick and I was soon to be on my way via transport ambulance to MCV in Richmond.  Scott and I were shocked.

I arrived at MCV at around 3am Sunday morning and was admitted right away to the Labor and Delivery floor.  They were obviously concerned about the baby as well as me.  The next few days are a blur as I was sicker than I realized.  My pulse was consistently 150 while my blood pressure was dropping quite low (my bottom number went as low as 35).   I continued to deteriorate.  Lots of blood samples were taken (10 sticks and about 40 tubes that week) with IV antibiotics.  The Infectious Disease doctors were becoming increasingly convinced that I had Ehrlichiosis, a tick-borne infection which could be fatal if not treated properly.  Normally "easily" treated, the only known treatment is the antibiotic Doxycycline.  This drug is not recommended for pregnancy because of teeth and bone issues for the Baby.  Scott and I were devastated.  I have tried to hard to be as natural as possible, not even coloring my hair since I realized I was pregnant and I had taken one Tylenol before this all started.  I had changed all cleaning products to more natural versions and we were eating only grass-fed meats, etc.

I've never seen a group of doctors (OB/GYN, Respiratory ICU, Pulmonary, Infection Disease) look so concerned.  Even a previously healthy pregnant woman can quickly deteriorate to a dangerous level.  All from one little infected tick.  I was soon moved to MRICU (medical respiratory intensive care unit) for two days and quickly given the Doxycycline.  We prayed for God to protect this baby boy from all side effects from the drugs.  Many, many people joined us in calling out to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for mercy and protection.  They also started me on two other wide spectrum antibiotics in case something else was going on.  Scott and I were so disappointed and concerned about all of these drugs in my system and what they might do to the Baby.  I had 11 weeks until my due date.  We remembered the incredible miracle story of Tim Tebow while his pregnant mom struggled with serious health issues.  God brought a healthy baby boy (Tim) into the world despite all that his mom had to go through.  God, please do it again!

Blood work started coming back in which showed that I was positive for several Ehrlichiosis markers.  They quickly took me off one antibiotic.  My fevers started to subside after a few doses of Doxycycline as did my achiness.  My heart rate (and the Baby's) started coming back down to normal levels and the Baby continued to move around.  After a few days in the MRICU, I was moved back to Postpartum floor where they could still check my breathing, but also keep a close eye on the baby.  Finally, after much begging, they discharged me from MCV on Friday at lunch.  All praise to God!  I couldn't wait to get out of there!

My mom has done an outstanding job of keeping the kids on their school schedules, keeping up with laundry, the kids' activities, etc....Swim team started during all of this....We thank everyone for their prayers and help - the meals have been very appreciated. 

Pastor Eric, not knowing of my experience in the car of Chris' voice singing, "Be still.  There is a healer." came to visit us in the hospital and had this Scripture.....

"God is our refuge and strength, and ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging...The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.  Come and see the works of the LORD .... 'Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.'  The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress."  -- Psalm 46

We exalt you, Lord Jesus!  We praise your Holy Name!  You are Sovereign.  You have all Authority in heaven and earth.  No one threatens Your reign.  You are over all drugs and illnesses.  You will continue to create this Baby in your perfect way.  We trust You alone.