Monday, April 16, 2012

Headed south...

Auburn University

Tuskeegee Institute

First White House of the Confederacy -- Montgomery, AL
Eglin Air Force Base

Destin Harbor, FL

Destin, FL - wow!  Love the white sand and turquoise waters!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jesus is Risen! He is alive!

Getting ready for Passion City Church's Good Friday Celebration...
along with 12,000+ others...

Verizon Amphitheater -- Alpharetta, GA -- 4th year in a row for us and PCC

We visited the artsy city of Chattanooga, TN on Saturday -- perfect weather. 
Here we are on the pedestrian bridge.
Beautiful view from the bridge (one of many!).
We watched the IMAX documentary about monkeys and elephants entitled "Born to be Wild"...

We decided to spend some time visiting the Tennessee Aquarium -- very  nice. 
The design looks very similar to the Baltimore Aquarium.
Inside the aquarium's top level of the river building.

The kids loved these "wave" bridges in front of the aquarium buildings.
Viewing the penguins in the ocean building.  Daniel needs a nap!

Resurrection Sunday -- beautiful and powerful worship service led by Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, Christy Nockels, and Kristian Stanfill with teaching by Louie Giglio.  We LOVE celebrating Jesus with PCC!
The "hand" from Passion 2012 in January in the Georgia Dome -- now located in front of Passion City Church.  72 days For Freedom to bring attention and resources to battle slavery both in the U.S. and around the world.  Who knew there are actually more slaves today than during any other period in history??!!


"The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.  He is not here; He has risen, just as He said...'" 
-- Matthew 28:5-6 --

Another driver...

We trained Hannah to drive the riding lawn mower (10-1/2 years old). 
She's very excited!

It's been very helpful to have another grass cutter in the family --
especially with this much property and such a small machine!

Baseball and lacrosse...

Connor's first scrimmage of the season about two weeks ago (March 26, 2012).

Getting some suggestions from one of his coaches.

Connor's (far right) CC class at the end of the year ceremony.

Hannah receiving her character award from her CC tutor.
Scott worked hard to get the coop done (at least, done "enough") before our vacation.  The chicks have a lot more room now.
Hannah getting ready to "draw" as center midfield for her lacrosse team. 
This was mommy's position in high school.

Ashley (behind #15) after scoring a goal in Virginia Beach with her team.  Yea!
After hours of lacrosse, Daniel is pretty bored.
Connor taking a break with the IPad.  He normally is keeping score diligently.
Virginia Beach -- Aunt Shannie and Chris came down for the week-end and
cheered on the girls.  We're so thankful that God held off the rain!

-- Virginia Beach -- March 31, 2012 --
Shannon (Dawn's sister) is doing great after her heart surgery and defibrillator implant in January.  All praise to God!